Why Booking with Travel Advisors Can Help You In Crisis Times like COVID-19
Travel advisors can assist tremendously when it comes to events that will significantly impact your travel plans. The first-to-hand information and access to industry resources that travel advisors have been invaluable and has proven to be a lifeline to those that may be stranded due to the current situation. It really shows why booking with travel advisors can help you in crisis times like COVID-19.
The announcements by countries worldwide that were closing their borders and airlines cancelling their flights meant a lot of confusion and uncertainty for travellers who still remained overseas. Those that had booked with online travel agencies would have encountered a lot of difficulties getting through to the customer service line.
This is where the value of travel advisors comes in as people that had booked with them directly rather than booked online would have gained greatly.
Travel advisors have direct access to airlines so can assist their clients in their times of need.

One example of Luxury Travel Planners assisting travellers during the COVID-19 crisis; ”John had been travelling in Vietnam when the outbreak of COVID-19 occurred. He was in Ho Chi Minh City when the announcement was made that Australia was going to commence self-isolating overseas travellers. He was put on three flights that all got cancelled. Luxury Travel Planners eventually secured him a seat on a Qantas Premium Economy flight so he made it safely back to Australia.”

If John had booked on-line, he would have only gotten a text message from the airline that his flight got cancelled and had to rebook it himself. He would have been left to his own devices trying to spend hours on the phone in a foreign country trying to get through to the airline and attempting to get one of the few seats available back to Australia. Luckily, he had booked with Luxury Travel Planners who were able to come to his rescue. They were able to see exactly what was available in the system and change him over to a different airline than the one he had originally booked and thankfully get him home.

Crisis situations show how the strength of the relationship between travel suppliers and travel advisors is so important. When it comes to cancellations, refunds or rescheduling with airlines, hotels, transfers, tour providers, cruises or vehicle rental, it is the travel advisor who will spend a considerable amount of time communicating with them (with no remuneration). Due to the relationships that Travel advisors have with travel suppliers, they have access to cancellation waivers so you don’t have to fork out additional fees.

Booking with travel advisors can help you in crisis times like COVID-19. It really pays to book a holiday package with them as they will come to your time of need. They can save you time, money and effort and most importantly assist you during difficult times. There is no substitute for knowledgeable, trustworthy and well-connected travel advisors like Luxury Travel Planners.