Please note this information is current as 08/11/2021
Thank you for booking with Luxury Travel Planner (LTP). As we are travelling post COVID-19 there are some things you need to be aware of before departing Australia.
Please see below and make sure you are updated on the policy of the country/countries you are travelling to within 1 week of departure.
Please note: at Luxury Travel Planner (LTP) we can give you advice but it is still up to each customer to check the up-to-date policy before they travel. This can change within 24 hours of travel.
LTP will not be held accountable for any denied boarding due not complying with Airline or the policy of the country you are flying to.
Tripsguard, is a great site for updated information directly from government websites and border control of the country/countries you are travelling to, please click on the link below.
Just follow the steps and enter in the country you are travelling from > vaccination status > passport details > travelling from > travelling to. It will then come up with updated information for the country you are travelling to.

Also, as a tip, you can get updated information and changes to the country you are travelling to by clicking the following status button on the page. You just need to enter a valid email address and your details. Then the information will be emailed to you if any changes occur prior to departure..
Please see an example below -

Before planning your trip, you need to know the requirements of the country/countries you are flying to. This also includes transit countries.
Some of the requirements are below
COVID-19 tests
Most counties require a PCR test before flying. This can be from 72 hours prior to the departure time to 24 hours in some cases depending on the country/countries of travel.
Please note:
You can not just obtain a bulk billed COVID-19 test. You need to get a pre-departure COVID-19 test and then show the negative result as a certificate as proof at check-in. You can pre-book this via the link below with Healius.
Please see common questions about COVID-19 tests and the procedures associated by the FAQ’s below -
Do I need to go into quarantine?
Some countries will require you to go into quarantine on arrival. Most of the time it is home quarantine anywhere from 3 days to 14 days and in some cases, this might be in hotel quarantine, or government control quarantine, this can change at any time, you might have the option to change your flights for free.
Vaccination status
Most countries that you travel to will require that you are fully vaccinated before you travel and they will want to see proof of vaccination, this can be by application or printed out PDF.
The below website links to Smartraveller with instructions on how and where to access vaccinations certificates and approved vaccinations.
You will need this certificate with the QR code on your phone or a printed PDF when travelling just like you do in Australia to check-in to restaurants, shops, clubs and pubs etc...
Most countries require that you can prove that you have travel insurance covering medical coverage in the case of COVID-19, with a minimum of $25,000 up to one million dollars in coverage. Please check that your insurance will cover you in the case of COVID-19. If you don’t have an existing policy please talk to your travel planner about an insurance policy with Covermore.
Please note: airlines might have their own policies in regards to COVID-19. When travelling please make sure that you check the airline's website between 72 and 24 hours prior to departure as this will provide you with any updated information. You can always contact your travel planner if you prefer, but most airlines will have information on their website.
Returning Home Testing
The pre-travel testing requirements for people returning to Australia can be found at
Sometimes borders can become closed or hotel quarantine can take place when flying back in Australia. In the worst-case scenario please below Government advice for each state and Territory.
Government Advice
When a border closes, it is done so at the discretion of that state or territory's government. Depending on the current COVID-19 situation, some states and territories in Australia may have closed their borders to non-essential travel.
Each state or territory has their own entry requirements, and the conditions may change at short notice.
The most up-to-date information about entry conditions, forms, and requirements is on the government website of the state and territory your passenger is travelling to.
Please refer to the relevant state and territory under Government Websites and Contact Numbers below.
Government Websites and Contact Numbers
Listed below are each individual state and territories websites and contact details.
It is important to remember that after a border closure is announced that the relevant government websites can take some time to be updated. These are still the most accurate places and sources of information, and where agents need to refer to when checking border closures and requirements.
If you have an urgent question with imminent travel and need clarification, you can contact the relevant state or territories COVID-19 Hotline by using the appropriate numbers (listed below).
(02) 6207 7244
1800 020 080
1800 490 484
13 42 68
1800 253 787
1800 671 738
1800 675 398
13 26843
We are here for you 24/7 when you are travelling. You can contact us on +61272025654 for any urgent matters within 24 hours of travelling.
Thank you for booking with Luxury Travel Planner.