1. View the Web Itinerary on Your Mobile Device
How to View Your Itinerary in the Trip Plans Mobile App
Once your Travel Advisor has shared the itinerary with you, you can open the web itinerary from the email or URL on your mobile device.
If your Travel Advisor sent an email...
You may receive an email that looks like the screenshot below. If so you can tap "View Your Trip Details" and this will open the web itinerary in your web browser.

If your Travel Advisor sent a URL to the itinerary...
You can just copy and paste the URL in your web browser to view the web itinerary.
If you opened the web itinerary on a desktop computer you can send yourself a magic link via email so that you can open the itinerary in your mobile device.
To do this, simply click "View in App" at the top and enter your email address. From there, you can open the email that was sent in your mobile device and move to the next step.

2. Open the Web Itinerary in Your Mobile Device
Once your Travel Advisor has shared the itinerary with you, you can open the web itinerary from the email or URL on your mobile device.

Once the app finishes downloading you can open the Trip Plans app and your itinerary will automatically populate.
If you are asked to sign in...
You might be on a group trip that is private so you will need to create an account in order to view your itinerary. You will need to use the same email address that your Travel Advisor used to set you up. If you believe you have created a password previously but it no longer works, you can reset
What if I already have the app downloaded?
Great, you're a step ahead! If the app is already downloaded to your mobile device, you can jump to Step 2 above and open the web itinerary on your mobile device, tap "View in App" and the itinerary will automatically open in your Trip Plans app.
If you wish to view your old itineraries, tap on "Trips" in the top left-hand corner and you can create an account to view your previous trips.